January 28, 2021
Community Ambulation Falls Thru the Cracks
January 19, 2021
Staying in My Home is Not Easy
New Jersey often gets above freezing after a snow storm. When the weather forecast says this will happen I use my 3rd strategy. I wait a few days for the sun to free my snow-covered car. However, the street has a low spot that captures water as the sun melts the snow. I need a 4th strategy to cross this small pond. I place a thick rubber matt over the water so I can to get to my car safely.
When the weather forecast says New Jersey will stay below freezing after a snow storm I use my 5th strategy. I pay two teenage boys to clean my car, walkway, and snow that the snowplow has pushed against the side of my car. They also shovel snow in front of and behind my car so I have a clean parking space. Old people in my neighborhood are nasty when someone takes the parking space in front of their house. homeafterstroke.blogspot.com
January 3, 2021
The Only Cutting Board That Works Great

A cutting board that works much better is the Swedish cutting Board (1). The part I use the most is the adjustable vise (see red knob) that can be taken apart to be washed. The vise makes it easy to spread food on bread and slice a thin English muffin, a soft tomato, or a whole head of lettuce. Instead of 2 nails, I impale meat on 9 prongs. This small section lifts out of the cutting board so I can put it in the dishwasher. See the empty space in Figure 7.8 below.

For safety I cut food by using my palm to push down on a large chef's knife. This lets me keep the ends of my paralyzed fingers away from the blade (see arrow in Figure 7.8).
1. Dutton, R. My Last Degree: A Therapist Goes Home After a Stroke, 2nd ed. 2013; Booklocker.