My moving company will keep my belongings in storage containers for 2 to 3 weeks until there is a truck heading to west to Michigan. The facility I am moving into will put a few pieces of furniture in my apartment so I will have a place to stay while I am waiting. However, my car must be filled to the max because I need supplies to take a shower, do laundry, and make breakfast until the moving truck arrives. I turned to rehearsal to make sure I can pack what I need in my car.
The purpose of rehearsal is to make me feel awesome when I tackle a new task. My 1st attempt shows me what I have to change. My 2nd attempt lets me test new ideas to fix problems I discovered in step 1. My 3rd attempt gives me an opportunity to combine and test the steps from attempts 1 and 2. My 4th attempt gives me an opportunity to get faster. Here are two examples of learning how to pack stuff in my car so I can stay calm on the day I leave for Michigan.
There were so many constraints to take into consideration! I would be a nervous wreck if I had not rehearsed these tasks.
Wow! You certainly have a lot going on! Good luck!