November 3, 2021

What I Did Not Know as an OT

A friend told me how disappointed she was after she wore a light backpack while walking on the boardwalk at the beach.  It has been six months since her shoulder surgery so she did not expect her shoulder to ache after this walk.  Her story reminded me of how I felt when I had setbacks in my recovery from a stroke and total knee replacement surgery.  Her story reminded me of when I told my therapist I was discouraged because of a setback.  My therapist tried to reassure me by saying lots of people have setbacks.  This made me realize that seeing a setback is not the same as experiencing one.  

What I did not know as an OT was that being able to deal with powerful emotions and negative thoughts is as important as dealing with the pain and fatigue created by physical challenges.  I no longer wonder why some people die soon after they have surgery to repair a broken hip.  Half of recovery is mental and emotional.

1 comment:

  1. Stroke recovery is really really hard! Remember to think about all the things you've mastered since the stroke, how far you've come! Give yourself the credit you deserve!
