When I was young I had the tremendous energy it takes to sustain emotional drama. A stroke took away the energy I need to stay upset for a long time. Being snubbed recently reminded me of how intense emotions can be. I was upset the day I was snubbed. By the next day -- not so much. By the third day I remembered letting this person upset me gives her power. By the fourth day I remembered I was upset for decades when I was young but can not remember most of what upset me. Hence the irritating platitude -- this too shall pass.
December 25, 2021
Are Sadness and Anger Bad?
When I was young I had the tremendous energy it takes to sustain emotional drama. A stroke took away the energy I need to stay upset for a long time. Being snubbed recently reminded me of how intense emotions can be. I was upset the day I was snubbed. By the next day -- not so much. By the third day I remembered letting this person upset me gives her power. By the fourth day I remembered I was upset for decades when I was young but can not remember most of what upset me. Hence the irritating platitude -- this too shall pass.
December 18, 2021
Walking in Snow with a Cane
To lower the prongs, I place the cane in my affected hand and my sound hand pushes the device down until I hear it snap into position.
The device makes my cane slightly heavier which slows me down which is not as bad thing.
I use a different cane during warm weather rather than take this device off and try to put it back in the same place each winter. homeafterstroke.blogspot.com
December 10, 2021
Glad I was a Therapist Before I was a Professor
I am glad I worked as a therapist before I became a professor. School creates a false sense of security. If you do not know the answer, you can ask teachers what they think the right answer is. Book learning is a good place to start, but it does not tell you what to do when some clients do not respond to treatment that works well for many clients. Therapists are humbled when they have to say "I don't know" when information taught in school does not work. Therapists have to generate their own solution and watch carefully to see if it helps.
In school you learn information in one unit and then move on to the next unit. However, the right thing to do in the clinic is a moving target that keeps changing as the client improves. I was reminded of this when my in-patient PT said I was getting better. I complained that walking was not getting any easier. She said she was helping me less. I never thought to tell my clients this either. homeafterstroke.blogspot.com
December 3, 2021
Keeping My Christmas Spirit
After two years I gave my big tree and normal-sized decorations to my church for their annual sale that raises money for local charities. homeafterstroke.blogspot.com